An alternative banking solution, offering banking services to people who find it hard to open a regular bank account because of their low credit score. Open an account in 10 minutes without a credit check or proof of address. Get your contactless Mastercard® debit card in 3-5 working days. Choose from three account options: ‘Essential’, ‘Premium’ and ‘Premium Plus'. You can manage your account on the go using the online banking app. Make transfer payments from your e-money account whenever, wherever. You can also set up and manage your Direct Debits and Standing Orders. Get access to exclusive partner deals. Shop and earn with your Suits Me card in-store, online or over the phone you can earn cashback rewards, with no limit. Access to a dedicated Customer Account Manager so you have someone who understands your account and your needs. Your money is protected up to £85,000 by the FSCS. Monthly account fee ranges from free to £9.97 depending on account chosen. Refer your friends to apply and use their Suits Me card, and earn £50 per friend. No limit on the number of friends you refer
A CardOneBanking current account is perfect if you want to stay in control - Online, text and phone account access. UK call centre. Free text alerts each time money is paid in. Free text alerts if bills cannot be paid. No credit checks to open
Your bank current account is not only fully functional but also a necessity - getting a bank account without a credit check limits your options, but there are banks that offer this type of account.
What are the best banks with no credit checks?
Before we discuss the best no credit check bank accounts, we should briefly explain what it is:
No Credit Check Accounts can vary between banks as they change regularly. However, when it comes to the best no credit check accounts, they typically offer:
A selection of accounts e.g. Essential, Premium, Premium Plus
Fast application process - typically you will need to verify your ID using a your phone by taking a picture of yourself, your passport or driving license or national ID
Your new bank account number and sort code will be typically generated in minutes
A debit card may take a bit longer e.g. 3 to 5 working days