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This comparison simply includes all savings accounts.

Edge Student Current Account Santander
Funding required (each academic term) £500
Account Type Student Bank Account
Features Free 4-year Railcard worth £100

Why we like it

A free 4-year Santander 16-25 Railcard worth £100 plus a total average saving of £768 (average saving of £192 per year). An interest-free and fee-free Arranged Overdraft, up to £1,500 in years 1-3, then up to £2,000 if you stay on to year 5 (Subject to status). Get cashback, vouchers, prize draws and other offers personalised to you when you use Santander Boosts (you must have a personal Santander debit or credit card, be 18 years or over and be registered for Online and Mobile Banking). No monthly account fee. Must be studying or are about to begin an undergraduate course that is at least 2 years in length, or level 4 to 7 apprenticeship. If you’re about to begin your course, you must have an ‘unconditional’ or ‘confirmed conditional’ offer (i.e. you have your exam results) before you apply. You must pay in at least £500 every 4 months and must not already have an existing Santander current account. If you do, you’ll need to transfer it


Account Type Student
Minimum Age 18
UK Resident Yes

Best Student Current Account

Student accounts offer some great deals and switch rewards. With so many to choose from, spending some time comparing is necessary to find the right offer for you. As standard, student accounts offer an interest free overdraft, sometimes up to £3000, as well as a range of free incentives, such as a railcard.

Student Account Comparison

1) Santander Edge for students

This account offers some great rewards for students. Once again Santander are offering a four-year Young Person’s Railcard, worth around £100, for free. With train prices becoming more expensive, having a third off the ticket value is a guaranteed way to save money providing you travel by train. Railcard can also be applied to London travel cards.

This account also pays up to 3% interest on balances of £300 to £2000.

For those who need the cash, an interest free overdraft of up to £1,500 in the first three years of your course is available. Fourth and fifth year students get up to £2,000 interest-free. If you’re likely to remain in credit then this high interest bank account is a great choice as with a £2000 balance and the railcard you’ll earn £160 of rewards in the first year, plus any savings you make with your railcard.

Useful to Know

  • The overdraft must be arranged as you could be charged £5 for using an unplanned overdraft.
  • You need to pay £500 every academic term and register for online banking to receive these perks.

It’s very easy to get lost while searching for a student account, as there are so many on offer and all vying for attention from students. However, there are some great deals out there and it’s definitely worth shopping around for the best switch rewards as these can provide long term savings.

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