Getting the most from your savings often means you have to split your money across several different financial products. For smaller sums, a savings account will usually give the best rate of interest.
Fixed rate bonds give a dependable return on your money over the life of the bond. They protect your savings from losing their real world value due to the impact of inflation and you will generally see the value of your investment increase (although this is not guaranteed).
Popular types of fixed rate bonds usually run for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years. The longer the term of the bond, the higher interest rate you will normally receive. Some providers allow you to remove funds from your account early if you need to, although you will usually pay a penalty in the form of lost interest payments.
One big plus with fixed rate bonds is you can operate them in conjunction with your current account, so you can get a return on all of your savings without interfering with your normal banking processes.
Why choose a Kent Reliance fixed rate bond?
Kent Reliance are a specialist savings account provider. Their fixed rate bonds offer the following key benefits:
Minimum deposit of £1,000
Maximum deposit of £1million
Interest can be paid monthly, annually or on maturity
Accounts can be managed online, by post or in branch
There is no minimum age to open an account
If you take out a fixed rate bond with Kent Reliance, please be aware of the following:
Any early withdrawals will result in a penalty of 180 days interest on the amount taken out
Compare Kent Reliance fixed rate bonds
At the moment, Kent Reliance offer one and two year fixed rate bonds. If you would like to make an investment over a longer period, in order to earn a higher rate of interest, you may wish to consider other providers including Aldermore
Getting the best deal on fixed rate bonds
The financial products different companies offer change all the time, as do the interest rates they pay and other features. This is to match changes in the market and consumer demand. As a result, it can be hard for customers to keep a handle on what the best deals are at any given moment.
Our fixed rate bond comparison table at the top of this page lists the most competitive offers we can find and is regularly updated to reflect the changing market. This makes it a really easy way to contrast and compare different bonds to find the best deal for you.
Make sure you take the time to carefully weigh up your current and likely future financial situation against the kind of return you want to see before making an investment. This should allow you to choose the best fixed rate savings bond for you.